Get the URL of a YouTube FLV in Flash
Friday, October 31st, 2008YouTube recently changed the way it serves FLV videos and previous methods to get the URL of the FLV files no longer work. As a workaround, it is still possible to retrieve it by:
1. Downloading the YouTube webpage where the video is embedded
2. Parsing it to extract the “t” and “video_id” parameters
3. Building the FLV URL using the old method.
Obviously, having to download and parse the YouTube web page is a lot slower than the previous method, which was just about reading the HTTP headers, but at least it works.
The code snippet below allows to do just that:
public function getFLVURL(iYouTubeVideoURL) { // iYouTubeVideoURL is the "watch" URL such as: // var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(iYouTubeVideoURL); loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.getFLVURL_complete); loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this.getFLVURL_ioError); loader.load(req); } private function getFLVURL_complete(iEvent) { var pageData:String =; // Get the "t" parameter var regex:RegExp = /"t": "(.*?)"/; var result:Array = pageData.match(regex); if (result.length < 2) { trace("Error parsing YouTube page: Couldn't get 't' parameter"); return; } var param_t = result[1]; // Get the "video_id" parameter regex = /"video_id": "(.*?)"/; result = pageData.match(regex); if (result.length < 2) { trace("Error parsing YouTube page: Couldn't get 'video_id' parameter"); return; } var param_video_id = result[1]; var flvURL:String = constructFLVURL(param_video_id, param_t); trace("Here's the FLV URL: " + flvURL); flvTextBox.text = flvURL; } private function getFLVURL_ioError(iEvent) { var loader =; trace("Couldn't download YouTube web page: " + iEvent); } private function constructFLVURL (video_id:String, t:String):String { var str:String = ""; str += "video_id=" + video_id; str += "&t=" + t; return str; }
Update (01/12/2008):
As it turns out, this technique only works from Adobe AIR and not from a web page. This is because YouTube doesn’t allow crossdomain calls, which means that if a Flash application tries to fetch one of their pages, it will fail with a security error.
To go around this issue, it is possible to use a simple PHP stub file, which fetches the YouTube page and send it back to Flash. The PHP file would be as follow:
<?php $url = urldecode($_GET["url"]); header("Content-Type: text/html"); readfile($url); ?>
Then, in Flash, instead of calling the YouTube URL directly, you call the PHP URL:
var youTubeURL = "" var stubURL = "" + escape(youTubeURL) getFLVURL(stubURL);
This small demo illustrates all that. The source code with PHP stub is available here.
Update (19/03/2009):
I’ve posted a follow up to this post with some information on how to get the HD quality version of the videos:
Get the URL of an HD-quality Youtube video.